How To Enjoy Christmas and the Holidays After Weight Loss Surgery

Many patients are often concerned about the Christmas and Holiday season, as they think that after having surgery these holidays wont be as enjoyable as what they are use to. Surgery is a tool that is used long term, therefore it is important that you still enjoy Christmas and getting together with family an friends! We have put together some tips for Christmas day and the holidays in a way that you will still be able to celebrate the year and enjoy yourself, whilst still maintaining your new healthy lifestyle.

1. Protein First Still Applies
The good thing about this that there is usually a lot of protein option available on Christmas Day, roast chicken, turkey or lamb is a great protein option but even seafood is a good option. Eat this part of your meal first as you normally would and you are off to a great start.

2. Load Up On Vegetables
Christmas in summer means salads are typically on the Christmas menu. Aim to have these as your next part of your meal just like normal.

3. Think About Your Drinks
It is super important to keep hydrated and not get to busy that you forget to drink! Go for low calorie options such as soda water with lime, or diet cordial or soft drinks. Aim to have no alcohol as it contribute to absolutely no nutrients and does contain a lot of calories, but if you do wish to have some keep it to a minimum speed through out the day or night. If its your first time drinking since having the surgery trial alcohol at home in your own time to test out if it agrees with you, the last thing you want at Christmas is feeling sick.

4. Desserts
It is most likely a little bit unrealistic for most of us to say we aren't going to have any desert on Christmas day, this is where the 80/20 rule comes into place, enjoy some desert but not too much.

5. Managing Multiple Big Meals
Some patients find themselves visiting different members of there family across the day, and are presented with big feast of food at breakfast, lunch and dinner. You don't want to be rude so you try to eat as much as you can. Following surgery you will not be able to do this obviously, so it is really important to remember this and explain to family and friends if needed. Stick to a regular size meal appropriate for your stage, and similar to what you would have at each meal at home. Keep other snack and treats to a minimum, and if you do go for a small amount of desert try having it just at lunch or dinner.

6. Explaining To Family and Friends
Christmas is often a time when the whole extended family comes together, including family you may have not seen for a while, or told about your recent decision to have weightless surgery. This an be a tricky one, as family are often very concerned about the small portions of food you are eating. Try explain by saying that your are already quite full from all the lovely treats, and remember to listen to your body and eat accordingly. You know your body best!

7. Do Not Skip Meals The Day Before or After To Make Up For Over-indulging
Skipping meals to compensate for overindulging on Christmas Day is not the answer. We want to maintain a regular meal pattern and continue to eat to our hunger and satiety. Aim to keep overindulges to a minus on Christmas in the first place.

8. If Travelling Don't Forget To Pack Your Vitamins This is a super important one!

9. For Bypass Patients - Beware of Dumping Syndrome
Often patients experience their first episode of Dumping out of the home or at social occasion. Beware of this and remember it can be both food and drinks that are high in sugar that can cause this to happen. Try to keep these choices to a minimum so you can hopefully avoid this altogether. We do not want you feeling unwell in the middle of Christmas Day.

And that’s it! Christmas can still be very enjoyable after having weight loss surgery. You just have to remember the basic principles of protein, low starch veg 80% of the time, and a few Christmas treats here and there in the other 20%. Just try to keep thing balanced so that you do not make yourself sick by becoming to overfull!


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