Musculoskeletal Health

Musculoskeletal conditions affect muscles, joints, nerves, soft tissues, tendons and ligaments, and are common in our community. All ages can be affected and the conditions may be acute, arising from injury or unaccustomed activity, or due to a long-term condition.

Symptoms include pain and restriction, or loss of movement and musculoskeletal conditions can have a disruptive impact on life reducing the capacity to work and restricting lifestyle. The four most prevalent conditions:  osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and back problems impact on the lives of approximately one third of the population.

Bec And Musculoskeletal Health

Nurse practitioners can be key to prevention, diagnosis, early intervention and treatment of injuries and pain and the ongoing management of chronic musculoskeletal conditions. Bec has access to a multi-disciplinary team, which play an important role in providing best practice care for people with musculoskeletal conditions.

Bec takes a holistic approach, working in partnership with individuals to help them gain control of their condition, to restore or increase function, and to improve their health and quality of life.  They can assist patients develop skills to cope with pain, reducing the need for strong medication or should the patient need medication Bec is safely able to educate and provide scripts for this. Should the pain not be settling with medication Bec is experienced in steroid joint injections.  In some instances, Bec’s interventions will mean that surgery can be avoided. Should surgery be inevitable Bec is able to provide a referral to the specialist that best supports your individual case.