Weight Loss

Managing Weight Effectively Starts With Understanding The Cause!

As you can see above weight regulation is complex and multifactorial. Bec creates a safe and comfortable environment to discuss each and every patient’s individual needs and creates a plan that is achievable and most importantly successful.

In your first consultation, you will meet with Bec, who will perform a thorough assessment of your current health, existing medical conditions, family history, medications and lifestyle factors. Bec may request further investigations, such as a blood test, to help identify any potential underlying causes of your weight gain. From this deeper investigation into your current medical needs, Bec will work with you to administer the safest and most appropriate treatment plan that will maximise your weight loss success. 

Bec Has Access To A Remarkable Amount Of Evidence Based Tools & Resources

Dietary Plans:

  • Low-carbohydrate diets

  • Reduced-energy diets

  • Meal replacements for rapid weight loss

  • Special catering for specific dietary needs & referrals to a dietician where needed


  • Appetite suppressant medications to reduce feelings of hunger & cravings

Lifestyle Advice:

  • Assistance for those who struggle with emotional eating, anxiety & depression

Surgical Considerations:

  • Offer pre & post bariatric surgical care, where necessary

  • Work closely with your regular GP & other healthcare providers

  • Assist with outgoing referrals to other specialists, where appropriate, including dieticians, exercise physiologists, psychologists, bariatric surgeons and cardiologists

Patients typically lose 1-2.5kgs per week


All of the above can be delivered via Bec’s very own app! VALITA!

The Valita App provides patients direct access to their treatment plans from anywhere!

  • Daily weight, mood and water intake tracking

  • Two-way communication between you and your doctor

  • Access to all of our resources and education modules

  • Recipes, dietary plans and in-house exercise program

Bec’s services are delivered with an initial face to face consultation and any ongoing consultations can be either face to face or via telehealth.